It's crazy to think how fast the past three years have gone. It is already time to leave Casper! We have had such a good experience here and met such great people. We are leaving a lot of friends behind! But we are ready for the next adventure.
We are moving to Star Valley while Billy goes back and forth from Evanston for his last internship at the State hospital. This is his last thing he needs to do before he can graduate. This past week he has finished his master's thesis and project. He has spent so much time on it and is very relieved to finally have that stress behind him. We are so proud of him!

Trayson is still just as fun as ever. He is almost 8 1/2 months now. He is so so sooo close to crawlin. Any day he will take off I know it. His 5th and 6th tooth just popped up on the bottom and I'm hoping we have a break from teething for a little while. He does NOT sleep well at night the last couple months. He wakes up anywhere from 3 to 13 times a night I swear. I am hoping he grows out of this stage soon!

Yes he is still full of spunk and energy. What a fun little boy he is. The other day Billy and I were talking and I said (jokingly, not to frighten the grandparents) "Do we even want to have anymore kids? We can't get this lucky twice right?" :) We are just so in love with this little boy and are so grateful for him.

Still loves his mornings with Baby Einstein.

Chillin with Dad. Too cute

Me and my babe all bundled up